Discover the BY SARAH LONDON Story

Discover the BY SARAH LONDON Story

We spoke to Lauren, the co-founder of BY SARAH LONDON to find out more about the brand.

Q. What inspired you to start your brand?

My sister, Sarah, developed natural and organic, plant-based skincare blends to soothe my sensitive skin when I was recovering from leukaemia 7 years ago. She took her childhood hobby more seriously and created blends that nurtured my skin and they worked! We shared Sarah's blends with friends and family who also loved her skincare and we could see that we could help more people - not only with the beautiful, organic, plant-based ingredients, but in understanding what they're putting on their skin as we detail a full ingredient list on the front label. By knowing exactly what you're putting on your skin and that there is absolutely nothing hidden, artificial or synthetic - or any essential oils or fragrance - in our skincare, we're excited to be sharing our collection and helping to inspire more conscious choices that are better for you and the planet.

Q. What was the first product you developed?

Sarah first developed the Organic Facial Oil as her first blend and it's our hero product! It was awarded the Best New Skincare Product Launch 2018 by The Beauty Shortlist just 4 months after we launched the business in November 2017 and consistently receives 5 star reviews. I think it's so loved and has become a cult favourite because Sarah has created a unique blend of organic, plant-based ingredients, including sweet almond, apricot and evening primrose oil, which help to balance, nourish and restore all skin types. And with no water and being 99% organic and 100% natural, a little goes a long way, while being sustainable too.

Q. Why is natural and organic beauty so important to you?

We are stewards of Planet Earth and the choices we make have a big impact not only on ourselves but the wider environment too. If an ingredient can be grown in soil, we choose certified-organic ingredients. This is the gold standard as certified-organic ingredients have not been sprayed with synthetic pesticides, artificial chemical fertilisers or herbicides. With no harmful chemicals used to grow the organic ingredients, they're better for your skin, wellbeing and the environment. We use cold-pressed organic oils which preserves the ingredient quality, potency and purity in a way that heat-treating cannot, and these oils absorb into your skin far more easily.

Q. What is your best beauty secret?

Drinking plenty of water cannot be understated! So many of us don't drink enough water and it can leave your skin feeling dehydrated and tight. By drinking 2 litres of water a day, you can function at your best and keep you skin cells plump and healthy too.

Q. What has been the highlight of starting your own brand?

It has to be all the incredible people, amazing customers and followers we've had the chance to meet and connect with who are inspired by our story and mission to empower a new standard in conscious living. I've been so touched by the kind messages, comments and reviews we've received. It's such a thrill to see the products that Sarah created for me are helping and inspiring so many other people from all across the world!

Q. What does the future look like for BY SARAH?

We have exciting plans for 2019 and can't wait to meet more of our BY SARAH community!


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